I went on a pillowcase-making rampage this week to get some late Christmas presents in the mail for the friends and family that I love. I finished them on Tuesday night and they came out pretty amazingly, if I do say so myself! Here's the silly story of how it happened!

I cut everything on Sunday and I just love how everything looks all together! New fabric always makes me giggle with anticipation!

To make these pillow cases, you roll the body of the pillowcase in the pillowcase's stripe and pin it. Here they are: all rolled up and nowhere to go!

Here they are, unrolled after being sewed, but not done yet! Now they are starting to look like pillowcases, though! Goodnight Sunday!

Monday and Tuesday I sewed the rest of the pillow cases. Here they are all folded... I loved them so much I was tempted to just put them in my own linen closet!

Then I thought... maybe they would look even better on my bed! But alas, they are meant for people I love, so time to send them off into the world. Be loved, little pillowcases.
Life is good. God is good. Little lingonberries are everywhere!
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