Monday, May 21, 2012

Mystery Solved

Tonight I finished the mystery quilt featured in the last three McCall's Quilting magazines (buy the magazines here).  This was a quilt that I started in February and, at the time, I thought it would be my first-ever quilt made completely by me. Of course, then I got ambitious for Lauren's wedding gift and made a quilt in the interim... and that quilt was bigger and more challenging, so this quilt seemed a little anticlimactic, but still really fun to finish.  (You can read about the first two parts here and here.)

One thing that I changed from my initial post was the color of the secondary fabric.  I loved the striped fabric that would make up the big blocks.  I had initially chosen a corresponding fabric from the same collection that featured hippie birds with peace signs and trees, but because the quilt didn't really have a purpose (and so, therefore, could end up staying in my life or going to a grown-up person or going to a kid) and since there are not a lot of little girls in my life, I decided to use scrap fabric from my stash that was floral (the small squares above).  I think that it came out pretty nice with the new fabric.

One thing that I did not like about the assembly is that in order to keep the mystery alive, the directions for assembling the quilt were kind of strange.  So for me, that means that not every line matches up the way I would want them to.  This makes me kind of grumbly.  Still, I think it looks pretty cute... here's some proof:

I think that I will hang onto this right now, but I'm going to do some research on places where you can donate quilts, as well.  Maybe somewhere, someone would like to curl up with it.

Until then, this quilt is snuggly proof that God is good, life is good, and little lingonberries are everywhere.

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